Lottery ticket ( brixel ctf )

2 min readJan 5, 2021

About the challenge :

Lottery ticket

Someone is trying to sell this lottery ticket online, it has the winning numbers but I suspect foul play

Can you tell me which the new numbers are that are photoshopped?

Add them all up, the resulting number is the flag

This photo look very simple and not specious in the beginning but when you zoom in to the number there is another story .

In the challenge description there is a sentence about photoshopping the numbers and your way to get the flag is to get differences between the numbers

This is a regular number , a non photoshoped one , you can see the glishes in the numbers

but this is a high-quality number photo even when you zoom in , so you should just find the others and add them and you got the flag

— 0UR4N05 , thank you for reading

