Don’t be salty (Brixel ctf)

2 min readJan 7, 2021

About the challenge :

Don’t be salty

Our l33t hackers hacked a bulletin board and gained access to the database. We need to find the admin password.

The user’s database info is:




We know from the source code that the salt is put AFTER the password, then hashed. We also know the user likes to use lowercase passwords of only 5 characters long.

01 : Introduction

Welcome in this writeup focused on Brixel CTF ‘Don’t be salty’ published by 0UR4N05 .

As mentioned in the challenge introduction, this challenge designed to cover: Brute Force,Hash cracking Let’s start with identifying the hash type .

02 : Hash identifying

So we gonna open a terminal and start hash-identifier :

then put our hash :

so our hash is md5 .

03 : Hash cracking

Before cracking the hash we should put the hash and his salt in a txt file (if you don’t know what the salt mean please read this article)

Don’t forget the colon between the hash and the salt , so now we gonna use hashcat to crack the password

(sorry but i can’t show you the password but you can try it and get the flag )

-m 10: Salted MD5 hash mode , you can find them all in hashcat

-a 0 : Dictionary attack mode

hash.txt : txt file containing hash in compliant format

/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt : dictionary file containing passwords in plain text

— This challenge is easy , thank you for reading

